After the dream comes the reality. I'm back at university! Studying lots, learning lots and generally just shivering in my big old house (no double glazing= potential pneumonia come December, bring it on). What morphed into a travel blog may just turn into a blog about, well, who knows. Musings, anecdotes and pathetic attempts at humour? Watch this space....
Well at least I have an excuse to return to Barcelona....I'm learning Catalan! Going well so far, it's fairly easy to understand but the pronunciation can be rather complex- take, for instance, the word parallel: paral · lel. Yes, that strange dot in the middle of the word was intentional. Nevertheless, being the language geek I am, I think it's going to be a lorra lorra fun....In other news, I have a part time job! Sounds right up my street if I'm honest, I'm going to be working as a Student Ambassador for an organisation called Routes into Languages, a government funded project which aims to enthuse young people to study foreign languages at G.C.S.E., 'A' and even degree level. I'm going to be giving presentations in local schools about the benefits of studying languages, running campus open days, film days at the local Tyneside cinema (check it out if you live anywhere near Newcastle, amazing independent cinema that shows contemporary, classic films as well as foreign language ones. Great fun and so much better than the multiplex.) All in all, I'm excited....
Enough about me- check these out:
- Back into Vice magazine again. Still pretentious, but actually quite hilarious, plus the travel articles are just so interesting. Saw this and fell in love with sloths. My new favourite animal I think. Not sure if Father Christmas will deliver on that one though... I challenge you not to squeal in delight. http://www.vice.com/en_uk/the-cute-show/sloths
- If the Smiths were reborn and went on a 'gap yah' to Africa, you would get Fool's Gold. Love them. Also check out 'The World is All There is'.
- Going to see them in Glasgow in December, cannot wait.
- Heard this on the Budweiser advert and remembered how much I like this song.
Also got myself some coloured jeans. Better late than never...