It's probably because I'm in Spain where everyone is
a) Tanned
b) Naturally tanned (bastards).
I would definitely win the award for palest person on the beach in Alicante. I don't even burn and then tan. Year round I am white/slightly red. Pas juste!
After a couple of mishaps with Holiday Skin (some of you have seen the damage and laughed uncontrollably- I bought a mitt soon after), I can't really fake it. I'm sure someone's come up with an 'idiot proof' fake tanning product, but it sure ain't 'Helen proof'.
Went to the beach yesterday for two hours between 4-6pm and managed to burn my stomach and right arm/leg whilst wearing factor 50 suncream. Even being safe in the sun can't save me...
Still, at least I don't look like this:

I feel your pain. Mediterranean climes just aren't suited to us english roses! X