Monday 15 November 2010

Ladies of leisure.

I seem to have become a lady of leisure. Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé? What happened? The French and their casual approach to work, that's what happened. Although officially I am supposed to be teaching 12 hours of English per week, last week I worked the grand total of 6 hours. 6 hours. And I got paid a ridiculous amount to do it. Mais comment?

It's mainly to do with the fact that the French have a ridiculous amount of jours fériés- or bank holidays as we would say in ye olde Angleterre. As last Thursday was a bank holiday and Fridays are my usual days off my weekend commenced last Wednesday. Vive la France!

After recovering from the guilt of not working (which didn't take long to get over, quelle surprise), I went and celebrated my youth by attending a party in a forest. As you do.

I should probably mention here that the last three nights out have been pretty memorable as far as nights out go. After inviting all the other English assistants we know round for a pre-lash last weekend (or 'un before' as it is known in France), an assistant proceeded to 'chunder everywah'. After cleaning up sick for what seemed like ages (to be fair, it did take a fucking age), we decided to head out into Nancy-ville quand-même, ending up in the cultural establishment that is le McCarthy, supposed watering hole of the Irish. Memorable.

Back to the party in a forest. My friends from the local Grande-École (friends in high places, clearly) invited me to a soirée their school was holding in a forest just outside Nancy (pourquoi pas??). Obviously our answer was 'Bah, oui!'. 15 euros for a party in a forest with an open bar seemed like a pretty good deal. And no work the next day!

So after hopping on a coach from the Ecole des Mines at 23h30 (very funny coach journey, felt like I was on a bus with a load of football hooligans à la Millwall), we arrived at the Forêt de Haye ready to P.A.R.T.Y! Luckily for us, the party was being held in an old warehouse and was not in fact outdoors as I had originally assumed (it rained every day last week so that would have been disastrous). After spending a ridiculous amount of time waiting for a measly beer, we hit the dancefloor...4 hours later we were still 'busting-a-move' on aforementioned d'floor. Was definitely an experience anyway, perhaps due to the absence of toilets (but maybe that's too much information). Two guys sitting near us on the bus back 'made a little vomcano' which was lovely to watch if I do say so (or not- haha), but apart from that it was a night to remember!

'Livin' it up' was rounded off by a night out in Nancy last Friday, which culminated in a trip to La Friterie, a 'Munchies' type affair if you're familiar with late night takeaways in Newcastle upon Tyne (thought not). This does seem to be a common way to round off an evening- perhaps I should commence the jogging I've been postponing indefinitely for the last month (?).

Et voilà! That's your lot. I should probably get back to work. Who am I kidding?!

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