Tuesday 7 June 2011


Well, I am certainly integrating in Spain. Like 45% of the Spanish youth population, I am now unemployed! Desempleada. Parada. Punto. At the moment, there are 5 million unemployed in Spain. ''Now there are 5 million and one'' someone kindly pointed out to me the other night. Cheers for that mate.

Soooooo to cut a long story short, I quit my job. Strange as I've never 'quit' anything before, but so glad I did. The bipolar boss I spoke about last time is a bit of a nutter- she wanted me to work as an au-pair for a family while she got paid for it as well as working in the office! Ha! What a deluded old crow! Fuck that...

So don't really want to ramble on about it, it's a shame though, especially as I came to Alicante to work and now ironically have nothing to do. Still. It could be worse. When I was bored the other day I thought to myself 'Stop whingeing! You're in Spain, right by the beach, good weather, nice people, etc.'

The job hunt begins...

In other news, I've wandered around Alicante a lot this week (thankfully not alone). There was a medieval market in the old town at the weekend which was cool- busy, but cool. Had a picnic on the beach with my flatmates on Saturday and wandered uphill to the castle area, then went out with some (ex) work colleagues to a random Italian house party (complete with tiramisu much to my delight) and the favourite bar, Carpe Diem. Have been in there 4 times now and can practically guess the entire playlist.

In other news, have consumed rather a lot of ice cream. Win.


  1. Although I am not the biggest fan of Spain, Alicante was my favorite city of the ones I visited! YAY! Good for you by not just letting that lady walk all over you and good luck with your job search! :))))

  2. Thanks Erika! Hope you're having fun at home before the Disney adventure begins!
