I'm loving....
- cups of tea
- cake
- the pub (continental Europe is definitely missing something)
- Newcastle. My first love :)
- The 80's. Music, fashion, the lot. My era I think.
- The BBC
- Bed
- Beyoncé. Finally saw her Glastonbury set, amazing!
- Football. Particularly this...

- This....
I'm not loving...
- speaking English constantly. Boring.
- the fact that young people in my town look exactly the same. Boring.Same highlighted hair. Same loudmouth attitude. Same dodgy tan. Miaow!
- the fact that Chesterfield has not changed. Initially comforting, now just frustrating.
- English coffee. Boring.
- This. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/aug/26/stormy-bank-holiday-weekend-weather. Too hot for me in Spain, too rainy in England-never satisfied.
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